We are always looking for people to become a Lion and join our cause. If you are interested in serving your community and the world, reach out to get more information by attending a meeting.
We welcome everyone to our meetings, which are held on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at the Desoto Club at 100 Clubhouse Drive, Hot Springs Village. Our social hour starts at 5 pm, followed by the meeting kick-off at 5:30 pm. We dine at the restaurant to support local business. Reach out to our Member Chair, John Klapp at john.klapp@ymail.com or call him at 417-569-3993.
To join the Lions Club, just fill out an application form and an interest form (Links below). There is a $35 application fee and quarterly dues of $34 that will be billed to you at a later date. The dues help support our Arkansas efforts and fund Lions Club International Foundation (LCIF) initiatives and grants, where 100% of donations are used for project grants.
Lions Club Application
Membership Application_enPlease email both forms to John Klapp at john.klapp@ymail.com or print forms and bring them to a meeting or Lions event.